During the 2017 harvest, my old cellar mate and I had a rousing discourse concerning a new release from a brewer in town: Rosé IPA. We were aghast at their audacity in appropriating our industry’s cash cow.
You try to play on my court and imma dunk all over your ass.
The next year we created a dry hopped white wine and joined their hops arms race. We even called it a dumbass name like they do. You can’t out stupid this idiot.
The 2020 incarnation of Hopped up on Goofballs is all Riesling infused with Mosaic and Citra hops. How did we decide on the hop blend? We waltzed into our local home brew shop and said “Hey bruh, what are the two most popular hops?”
Hopped up on Goofballs is an absurd product the world has never seen. The question is, should it? The decision is yours.